This bond is from the court records of Dutchess County, New York. In this Thomas Sheldon, among others, gives bond to ensure that Jacob Mace will appear the next day in court in Poughkeepsie, New York to answer to a charge of trespass against Elihu Marsh.
Transcribed by Dale Sheldon
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KNOW all Men by these Presents, That we Jacob Mace & Thomas Shelding and Benjamin Chace all of Beekmans Presinct ~ ~ of Dutchess-County, in the Province of New-York, Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto ISAAC BRINCKERHOFF, Esq; High-Sheriff of Dutchess-County, in the Sum of Two hundred pounds ~ ~ ~ Current Money of the Province of New-York: To be paid to the said ISAAC BRINCKERHOFF, his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators, or Assigns; For which Payment well and truly to be made and done, We do bind Our Selves, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals, and dated this Eighteenth ay of October ~ in the Twenty Sixeth ~ Year of his Majesty’s Reign, Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Two ~ ~ ~
THE CONDITION of the above Obligation is such That if the above-bounded Jace Mace ~ ~ shall well and truly appear at the next Court of Common-Pleas, held for Dutchess-County, at the Court-House in Poughkeepsie, on the nineteenth day of October Instant, to answer unto Elihu Marsh of A plea of Trespas to his Damage one Hundred pound Newyork money ~