Criminal Plea of John Bine (1755)

This plea is from the court records of Dutchess County, New York.  It is for John Bine pleading not guilty for the crime of pickpocketting.  Thomas Sheldon is sworn in, presumably as a witness.  The docket title notes that this paper is for the “Minnits of Session & Pleas of May 1755.  The rest of the page referenced other cases including the case of Hannah Simpson of the Beekman Patent giving oath that the father of her “Bastard Child” was Joshua Champlin.

Transcribed by Dale Sheldon

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The King vs John Bine }   The Grand Jury having found a pressentment of Def’t for Attemptin the picketting of pocketts : the Def’t being Called Appeared & pleads Not Guilty

Thomas Sheldon, sworn
Goodrick Brough, sworn
By |2022-01-09T03:03:40-05:00January 9, 2022|Comments Off on Criminal Plea of John Bine (1755)

About the Author:

Dale has been studying genealogy heavily for over 30 years, since the age of 10. Although he does not seek professional clients, he has helped a family regain property lost during the Holocaust, and has assisted to obtain historical preservation status for a building in San Francisco. He is a co-admin of the ftDNA Sheldon DNA Project. He lived most of his life in California but has recently moved to upstate New York. He works in the travel industry.
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