Morning Leader

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Thur, 28 Jul 1910

No. 5684, Page 3, Column 5 – “COULD NOT SEE FUNERAL”

Miss Lesla Sheldon, an actress, of Unwin-mansions, Queen’s Club gardens, at Marylebone yesterday sued Miss F. M. Hill, of Cambridge-terrace, Edgware rd., for L2, which she had paid for seats to view the late King’s funeral procession, and a verdict for plaintiff was returned.

Miss Sheldon said that on the telephone she agreed to pay L2 for two seats.  On the morning of the funeral she was told that the balcony seats were three guineas each, but they might go on the roof.  Plaintiff went to the roof, but did not get a view of the procession.

By |2023-07-11T01:23:04-04:00July 11, 2023|0 Comments

About the Author:

Dale has been studying genealogy heavily for over 30 years, since the age of 10. Although he does not seek professional clients, he has helped a family regain property lost during the Holocaust, and has assisted to obtain historical preservation status for a building in San Francisco. He is a co-admin of the ftDNA Sheldon DNA Project. He lived most of his life in California but has recently moved to upstate New York. He works in the travel industry.

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