Samuel Sheldon letter 1841

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Note: the date at the top is partly cut off with only 184 showing for the year.  However, a small downward line can be seen just below the tare that is very close to the 4.  After analyzing how Samuel wrote his numbers, it appears that this could only have been a 1.  Also note that the original letter had no punctuation and a few misspelled words – although clearly written by an educated man for his generation and time.  Here I have added some punctuation for ease of reading,

Suffield. Dec 24, 1841

Dear sir. I Received a line from you some time since Desiring me to give what information I could respecting my ancestors. I could not get the Information I wished for until last week. I now Cheerfully comply with your request.

Isaac Sheldon, the ancestor of the Sheldons in Northampton, Suffield, &tc – emigrated from England, first settled for a short time in Windsor Ct, soon after they began to settle Northampton.  He removed from Windsor to Northampton, it was in 1655 or 56. He Died in Northampton at an advanced age in 1708.  His Children were as follows: Mary born 1654, Isaac 1656, John 1658, Thomas 1661, Ruth and Thankful twins 1663, Mindwell 1666, Joseph 1668, Hannah 1670, Eleazer 1672, Samuel 1675, Ebenezer 1677, Mercy 1681, and by a second Wife Jonathan 1687 the Children Eleazer and Mercy Died young. All the rest had families.

Thomas, son of the first Isaac, Married Mary Hinddale of Deerfield in 1685.  He was a Deacon of the Church, he died in 1725, his children were as follows.

  • Thomas born 1688, this was my grandfather
  • Mary 1690
  • Rebekah 1693
  • Josiah 1695
  • Benjamin 1697
  • Rachel 1701
  • Jemima 1703
  • Elisha 1702

Mary married a Parsons.  Rachel married a Pomeroy and Jemima married a Williams Benjamin lived and died in Northampton and left a family.  Josiah lived many years in Suffield but returned and died in Northampton.  Elisha was Educated and settled in Litchfield Ct and was one of the first Men in the state in his Day.  Thomas Sheldon, my Grandfather, married Mary Smith of Hadley, his Children born in Northampton were as follows: Mary born 1713, John 1715 Died young, Thomas 1717 Died 1739, Mercy and Thankful twins 1721, Thomas my grandfather Moved from Northampton to Suffield.  Rachel was born in Northampton about 1719.  (

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In 1722 or 1723. Born in Suffield John 1721, Simeon my Father born 1726, Oliver 1728 Died young.  my Grandfather lived to a good old age he Died in the 82 year of his age.  Mary his Daughter married a Hanchett in Suffield Rachel Married a Davis of Somers Ct, Thankful married a John Montague of Hadley Ms, John married Mary Kising he settled in Suffield and had a large family, he lived to be over eighty and Died in Suffield, a number of his Children settled in Vermont, some of his Grandchildren have gone to the west My Father was born in Suffield and Died in Suffield in the 87th year of his age, his Children were as follows: (I ought to have mentioned he Married Grace Phelps of Suffield, she lived to be almost 96) Oliver was born Nov 27, 1749 and died young, Eunice born Nov 5 1751, Ruth March 12 1754. Oliver Nov 16 1755. Mercy Oct 10 1758, Seth June 28 1762, Samuel March 10 1766, Huldah Nov 27 1767 Elishe Sept 1, 1771.  Eunice married George Granger of Southwick Ms, but had no Children, Ruth married Timothy Eastman of Hadley, Ms. and had a family. Oliver Married Michal Harman of Suffield and had a family he lived and Died in Suffield but Did not have any son that Married.  Mercy Married Phinehas Woolworth, he removed to the black River NY he had a large family Seth Married Rhoda Pomeroy of Suffield and Removed to Rupert Vermont he had three sons who have Settled in the same Town he also had a number of Daughters  My name comes Next, I married Mary Hanchett in the year 1794, my Children are as follows Simeon born 1795 he lives in Mantua Portage County Ohio, he Married Judge Harmons Daughter he has eight Children, Emily is unmarried Horace married a Wright from Suffield and Settled in Suffield, Mary Married Charles Phelps and has Settled in Mantua Ohio Seth Settled in Mantua Ohio and Died leaving three Children.

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George Married Fanny Wilkinson of Granby Ct and Removed to Mantua Ohio he is now P M in that place Eliza Married Ira Loomis Jr of Windsor Ct and has settled there.

of the sons of the first Isaac Sheldon, Isaac lived and Died in Northampton, John settled in Dearfield but after the Destruction of Deerfield he removed to hartford.  Thomas lived and Died in Northampton.  Joseph settled in Suffield and Died in Boston a Representative to the general Court his Children did not remain in Suffield, Samuel lived and Died in Northampton, Ebenezer lived and Died in Northampton, Jonathan removed to West Suffield.  My friend Esq Sheldon Descended from him.  I expect he will give you the particulars of his ancestors.

Isaac Sheldon, the son of the second Isaac, Settled in Hartford, it is handed Down by tradition that this Isaac Sheldon that first settled at Northampton was Brother to the first Sheldon that Emigrated from England and Settled in Rhode island.

I wish sir after you have collected all the Information you can respecting the Sheldon families I wish you to send me a copy.

Respectfully yours, Samuel Sheldon

I made a mistake, I have not followed my Brother and Sister through, my Sister Huldah is next, she married Daniel Gillett of Suffield she has three Daughters settled in Ohio, two married Kings in Chardon, the other Married Demas Harmon of Mantua, my youngest Brother Elisha Married in Troy NY, his family has removed to the West.

By |2023-08-04T22:18:28-04:00July 26, 2023|0 Comments

About the Author:

Dale has been studying genealogy heavily for over 30 years, since the age of 10. Although he does not seek professional clients, he has helped a family regain property lost during the Holocaust, and has assisted to obtain historical preservation status for a building in San Francisco. He is a co-admin of the ftDNA Sheldon DNA Project. He lived most of his life in California but has recently moved to upstate New York. He works in the travel industry.

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