Warren Sheldon, letter to Gov. Coburn, 1863

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“Camp Tyler”

Baltimore Agu 22d/63

Gov. Coburn

Maine, Sir:

I have the honor to respectfully request that you would recommend me to Adj’t Gen’t Thomas of Washington for a Detective Police.

Wales Hubbard Esq. of Wiscasset will give you proof of my ability and worthyness.

I have the misfortune to be disabled and am no longer fit for field Service therefore if you would grant this request it will confer a great favor upon.

– Your most obed’t Serv’t – Warren Sheldon, Co “G” 20th Maine Vol Infty

“Camp Tyler” Baltimore Md.

By |2023-08-12T17:45:46-04:00August 12, 2023|0 Comments

About the Author:

Dale has been studying genealogy heavily for over 30 years, since the age of 10. Although he does not seek professional clients, he has helped a family regain property lost during the Holocaust, and has assisted to obtain historical preservation status for a building in San Francisco. He is a co-admin of the ftDNA Sheldon DNA Project. He lived most of his life in California but has recently moved to upstate New York. He works in the travel industry.

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